How do I create a custom template for newsletters?

You can create your own template for newsletters. Our team needs to make sure your custom template complies with our our system requirements.

Please send us your custom template and we will set it up for you! Contact sparrow to learn more. You need to prepare the following for your custom templates:

  • HTML file
  • Header and footer images
  • Thumbnail preview image
  • Preheader, header, and footer texts
You can download one of our standard templates to use as a guide for your HTML file, or download the header and footer images as guides for your image banners. 

⚠️ You will blocked from modifying any of these details on the Newsletter Editor screen and on Edit Issue or Add Future Issue screens when using custom templates. You will only be able to modify the Subject of your newsletters and its issues. To make any modifications to your custom template, reach out to the Support team.