Manage Posts Screen

Manage Posts Screen


You can manage posts within the Admin portal by navigating to Content Management > Posts.  From the main management screen

  1. Publishing state tabs - Allows the publisher to view posts with the following publishing states

    • Published - Published posts that are immediately available to its respective audience(s)
    • Scheduled - A post that has been scheduled to publish in the future
    • Draft - A post that has been saved, but not published.  This could be as it is not complete and doesn't contain the required information, or potentially has been submitted for approval by a contributor
  2. Post language filter - Filter the result set by the language a post was authored in
  3. Post text / author filter - Filter the result set by text contained within the post or the author name
  4. Topics filter - Filter the result set by one or more topics.  Note: this is an OR condition, so if you filtered by HR Updates and CEO Blog, posts containing either of these topics would show.
  5. Post types filter - Filter the result set by the following post types (See more in Post Types):
    • Standard
    • Compliance
    • Mandatory
    • Standard
  6. Download reports - Clicking this button will download the comprehensive Sparrow Posts report which contains metadata on every post contained within the system.
  7. New post button - Clicking this will launch a new window to create a new Sparrow Post