Release Notes - April 12, 2023


  • Topic and audience filtering is now available for Platform Analytics so admins can see and measure engagement for specific business segments, groups, and topics of interest.
    • Both Topic and Audience filter options feature a search bar to quickly locate the desired selection.
    • We also added a count in the top right corner of the screen to show the number of subscribers or users that are present in the Topic(s) or Audience(s) selected.
    • Add downloaded reports also indicate the filter that was applied and the count of the subscribers or users for reference
Screenshot 2023-04-12 at 11.03.37 AM
  • Re-introduced audience management to the user profile screen in the Admin Portal for streamlined audience assignment for an individual user.
Screenshot 2023-04-12 at 11.15.12 AM
  • Performance and security enhancements

Bug fixes:

Admin Portal

  • Removed Accent Color and Brand Light Color from the theme options in the Tenant Settings screen as these options no longer impact the mobile app.
  • Adjusted some start and end times in Platform Analytics that were not set to 12:00am or 11:59pm, resulting in post view counts not matching post views in Post Insights.
  • Submission manager toggle was inadvertently removed from the user profile screen in the Admin Portal and has now been added back.