Understanding the Manage Newsletters Screen

The first step to take advantage of intelligent newsletters is to familiarize with the create, edit, delete and manage experience.

  1. "State" Tabs. These tabs allows you filter your intelligent newsletters by state:
    1. Enabled: these are your active newsletters. 
    2. Draft: these are your draft newsletters. Draft newsletters are not yet active since they have not been enabled.
    3. Disabled: disabled newsletters are inactive. You can see past issues analytics but no new issues are active.
  2. Search bar. You can search Newsletters by title or description keywords.
  3. Newsletters. Get quick and helpful facts about your newsletters in this section.
    1. Title. A required field when creating and editing newsletters. It is an internal name used to label and organize your newsletters.
    2. State. Indicates if a newsletter is currently active (Enabled), inactive (Disabled) or still in progress (Draft).
    3. Last sent on. Date of the most recently sent issue.
    4. Next queued for. Displays when the next newsletter issue is scheduled to be sent out. If this column is blank, the newsletter is either disabled or there are no future queued issues scheduled.

    5.  Sent to. These are the audiences that the newsletters target. Employees who are not part of the audience will not receive any issue of the newsletter. You can manage audiences and its members (employees) through Targeting Tools > Audiences in the Admin Portal. For more information please check: Topics and Audiences

    6. Recipients/Subscribers. Depending on its settings, newsletters can give your employees the ability to unsubscribe from receiving them. This column indicates how many recipients are subscribed and unsubscribed from the newsletter. To learn more about this feature, click here.
  4. More options. Access the Employee Activity Log and Newsletter Global Settings through the More options button.
  5. Create Newsletter. This will lead you to the Newsletter Editor screen which is where you can create or edit newsletters.