Intro to Smart Content AI

Generate ideas, titles, summaries or even complete articles based on any story, topic, theme or conversation you want to write about.


Smart Content is the first-ever employee communications tool that uses AI in helping you create and optimize your content. This AI tool provides assistance, information, convenience and efficiency when creating posts. The following features can help you:

  • Generate ideas.
    Generating ideas will give you a list of thoughts, concepts or viewpoints to work with for a new post. This is also useful if you want to expand on a rough idea that you may have. You can generate a full-length post from a suggested idea by clicking on "Generate Post".
  • Generate titles and summaries.
    This generates a list of titles or summaries, written in different, creative and concise ways. The suggested titles or summaries depend on the draft you've already created and entered, or the keywords that you provide. This feature is ideal to get focused, shortened representations of your post.
  • Generate body text.
    Smart Content can also write complete post drafts. It can write full-length articles in multiple variations, using a single thought, idea, title or summary. This can also help you expand on, or shorten, your posts.

If you haven't entered anything on your post yet, the AI tool is going to ask you keywords, sentences, phrases or even paragraphs to get an idea of what's on your mind. If you've already started your post, it will automatically use that draft as a guide to generate suggestions for you. 

Readability Settings

Smart Content uses readability metrics when generating body text. These settings guide the level of reading ease or difficulty, tone, personal expression, sentiment and length of the suggested body texts. Adjusting these can help you align the body texts' readability according to your preference, or to your organization's branding.

The default readability settings that are shown are based on your organization's internal average readability scores.

Owners and Administrators can customize the default readability settings. This allows your organization to set a standard for all your Authors or Contributors to follow each time a post is created and Smart Content is used. To set this up, go to Tenant Configurations > Content Settings.


Smart Content is a ChatGPT integration. Please note that the ChatGPT integration is a work in progress. While we strive to provide accurate and helpful responses, there may be instances where the system's answers may be incomplete, inaccurate, or require human verification.