Manage, Add, Delete, Preview, Edit or Set as Default Newsletter Themes



Manage themes

You can access, manage and view all your organization's newsletter themes in the 'Manage themes' section.

  1. Go to Manage Newsletters
  2. Click on More Options then Themes


Add a new theme

You can add a theme as you create or modify your newsletters. 

  1. Create or edit a newsletter
    • If you are prompted with 'Select Template and Theme' simply click on 'Next'
  2. Modify the colours of the theme to your liking using the Colour Pickers
  3. Change or upload new header and footer images in 'Email details' tab
  4. When your new theme is ready, click on More Options then Save as theme
  5. Name your theme and hit Save


Delete a theme

  1. In the Manage Newsletters screen, click on More Options then Manage Themes
  2. Hover over the theme you want to delete and click on its Menu icon ()
  3. Select 'Delete' and confirm your action



Preview, Edit or Update a theme

  • Preview or edit a theme from the Manage Themes section
    1. From the Manage Themes section, hover over the theme you want to edit and click on its Menu icon ()
    2. Select 'Edit', and you will be redirected to the Theme Editor screen
    3. Modify the colours and images to your liking
    4. Hit Save
  • Update a theme while publishing or editing a newsletter
    1. Select and edit an existing newsletter from the Manage Newsletter screen OR Create a new newsletter
    2. Modify the colours and images to your liking
    3. Hit Publish or Save
    4. You can either save the theme changes you've just made as a new theme; or you can update the current theme that you are already using



Setting a theme as default

The theme that is set as 'Default' will automatically be the theme selected each time a new newsletter is created. 

  1. From the Manage Themes section, hover over the theme you want to edit and click on its Menu icon ()
  2. Select 'Set as Default' and the 'Default' marker (as shown below) will move to that theme



Take note!

  • Only one (1) theme can be set as default.
  • Users who have permission to create or edit newsletters will still be able to change the theme for a specific newsletter. They are not required to use the Default.
  • Editing a theme does not affect newsletters that have already applied that theme prior to editing. To apply an updated newsletter theme to an existing newsletter, edit the newsletter.
  • Standard Themes provided by Sparrow Connected cannot be deleted. 
  • A theme that is set as default cannot be deleted.